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Give Yourself Permission to Feel Compassion

Give Yourself Permission to Feel Compassion

Compassion is something we all need

We need to be gentle with ourselves. Whether it’s dealing with everyday challenges, recovering from mistakes, or simply navigating the ups and downs of life, self-compassion is crucial.

But in our busy lives, it's the one thing we often forget.

You know exactly how the story plays out: It’s the end of a long week, and you’re reflecting back on how things went. You recall the good and bad moments yet there always seems to be more negative than positive as you replay your mistakes. 

Be honest, how much do you relate to following this pattern?

Self-compassion starts with awareness and intention.

It’s about understanding that we’re all human, that we all struggle, and it’s okay to not be perfect. Sometimes, we’re kind to ourselves, but mostly we're our own harshest critic. The internal voice can be soo degrading, pessimistic, and unforgiving. But it's in the midst of even our 'biggest' mistakes that we need to remember to offer comfort to ourselves and give ourselves the permission to be forgiven.

No matter how you feel in the moment, nothing is more important than giving yourself the same compassion you would give to a friend or loved one.

It's the ultimate form of self-care and self-love.

When we make self-compassion a regular practice, we stop relying on external validation and start finding peace within ourselves. Think about the times you’ve ignored your own needs to meet someone else’s expectations.

How did that make you feel?

Probably not great.

Ignoring your own needs is a disservice to yourself, and it signals to others that it’s okay to do the same.

Here’s something to remember:

  1. Cultivating self-compassion takes time.
  2. Allowing yourself to rest takes time.
  3. Forgiving yourself takes time.

There’s nothing wrong with taking the time you need to get comfortable with changing how you view and care for yourself, but it’s important not to delay it.

We all make mistakes. We all have regrets. But holding onto self-blame and guilt only weakens our self-worth and compassion.

True self-compassion includes forgiveness.

By forgiving ourselves for past mistakes, we learn and grow with more understanding. And when we can be compassionate towards ourselves, we’re more likely to treat ourselves with kindness moving forward.


Because we believe we deserve it.


So start today.

YOU deserve it 💙

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